On 2002-01-15 Nick Wilson wrote:
> Hi 
> I recently had to reinstall  my system and now when I use 'urlview' it
> no longer brings up Lynx when I 'enter' on a link it's displaying.
> What is it that I need to be doing to make this work again?

The COMMAND directive in your ~/.urlview should either call lynx
COMMAND lynx "%s"
or call a script that parses the url and determines which client
should be started, e.g. mutt, ftp or lynx. url_handler.sh can be
found somewhere in the web and can easily be adapted to your needs.
COMMAND url_handler.sh "%s"



Christoph Maurer - D - 52072 Aachen
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.christophmaurer.de
On my Homepage: SuSE 7.0 on an Acer Travelmate 508 T Notebook

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