* Dallam Wych <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [14-01-2002 03:11]:

| Hi List,
| I just moved from 1.3.22 up to 1.3.25. Now, when I sign or encrypt a
| mail I get this:
| [--End of PGP output--]
| ?
| [--The following data is signed--]
| ?
| content of message
| sig
| [--End of signed data--]
| What are the ? doing there? More importantly, how do I get rid of
| them?

There seem to be two patches out there that fix this. The last one was
posted to mutt-dev yesterday by Thomas Roessler, and I believe it has
been merged with cvs now. I'll attach it for convenience, although I
still use the former patch.

René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

If you can laugh at yourself, you've got a really sick sense of humour.
-Jason Q.
Index: pager.c
RCS file: /home/roessler/cvsroot/mutt/pager.c,v
retrieving revision 2.45
diff -u -r2.45 pager.c
--- pager.c     2001/12/21 00:22:12     2.45
+++ pager.c     2002/01/13 08:49:39
@@ -1051,9 +1051,14 @@
           check_attachment_marker ((char *) buf+ch) == 0)
       while (buf[ch++] != '\a')
-       ;
+       if (ch >= cnt)
+         break;

+    /* is anything left to do? */
+    if (ch >= cnt)
+      break;
     k = mbrtowc (&wc, (char *)buf+ch, cnt-ch, &mbstate);
     if (k == -2 || k == -1)
Index: muttlib.c
RCS file: /home/roessler/cvsroot/mutt/muttlib.c,v
retrieving revision 2.51
diff -u -r2.51 muttlib.c
--- muttlib.c   2002/01/02 09:21:07     2.51
+++ muttlib.c   2002/01/13 08:47:41
@@ -1227,9 +1227,7 @@
   while (*t)
     state_putc (*t, s);
-    if (*t++ == '\n' && *t && IsPrint (*t)) /* Is the IsPrint() here really
-                                            * the right way to fix this?
-                                            */
+    if (*t++ == '\n' && *t)
       state_mark_attach (s);

Attachment: msg23090/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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