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At some point hitherto, Roman Neuhauser hath spake thusly:
>     I guess that quite a few of the subscribers are just devoted to
>     flooding this list with chitchat. I would suggest creating
>     mutt-chat, so that those who feel the urge to send non-technical, OT
>     stuff to mutt-users would have a place to go.

I can not count the number of times I've seen such suggestions on
mailing lists from people concerned about the signal to noise ratio.
What such people invariably fail to realize is that these OT
discussions almost always result directly from discussions that
originally WERE on-topic, and are unavoidable.  Humans have a penchant
for going off on tangents, and you can not possibly hope to legislate
this behavior.  Creating new sublists to "solve" the problem DOES NOT

OT posts are a fact of life on mailing lists, unless you're on a
mailing list that happens to attract only the most stodgy and boring
people.  The fact is, people who have one interest in common often
have others too, and those differing interests WILL intersect, from
time to time, and be discussed in forums like this one.

You have only two options:  Unsubscribe, or learn to enjoy pressing
the delete key.  Sorry if you don't like that, but history has proven
that that's the way it is.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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