On Jan 11, David T-G [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> ...and then Thomas Roessler said...
> % 
> % Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 01:54:49 -0800 (PST)
> % 
> ...
> % mutt- and mutt-1.3.25 have just been released.
> Didn't we see these come out already?  Is this somehow different from the
> Jan 01 message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (which
> was PGP-MIME signed, I noted, while this one isn't)?  It's not the same
> message reinjected, but it doesn't look like anything new, either...

I think it is the same message reinjected, just really broken before it
was, including the loss of the original message id.

- the mime headers are visible in the body, indicating the real main mime
  headers were lost somewhere.
- I was cc'ed on the original, but not this one.  however, I got a copy of
  this to my regular address, indicating the cc was mutated into a bcc.
- the received: path indicates it originated at postal.trymedia.com,
  registered as a california company.  Thomas is of course in Germany.
- the PGP signature is there, just not properly accounted for in the

Steve can you check who on the list is at that domain and try to track it
down?  This isn't the first message I've thought I was seeing too many
times in the last few weeks, though this one is the most obvious, and I
didn't check the headers on those.

Attachment: msg22938/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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