On 20:53 10 Jan 2002, Anh Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > * Anh Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-01-10 20:21]:
| > > How do I make mutt color lines starting with % as a quote just like >
| > > apparently David only uses this, and i would like to learn how to add %
| > > as a quote indicator.
| > 
| > http://mutt.org/doc/manual/manual-6.html#quote_regexp
| > 
| > from my muttrc file:
| > set quote_regexp="^([ \t]*([>|:}#%]|[A-Z]{2,3}>))+"
| > 
| great, thanks.  I dont know enough about regular expressions to even
| figure that out with the manual.


        the outer (.....)+ is two things: a grouping "()" and "one or more"
        (the "+"); 
          BTW this is unneeded guys since this is purely for recognising
          quoted lines, not matching the entire quoted marker

        the stuff inside the outer () is:

                [ \t]*  zero or more "*" spaces-or-tabs "[ \t]"

              which is an alternation "(...|...|...)" meaning match one of the "..." 
              containing two alternatives:

                    [>|:}#%]    one of the characters > | : } # %
                    [A-Z]{2,3}> exactly 2 or 3 "{2,3}"
                                    of the characters in the range A-Z,
                                    immediately followed by the character >

So in short it's looking for some leading whitespace and then either a single
quote marker ( "> | : } # %" ) or an attribution marker like "CS>" for lines
from "Cameron Simpson".

The outer "(...)+" is superfluous in my opinion.
Cameron Simpson, DoD#743        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.zip.com.au/~cs/

Lister: `Mr Arnold' isn't even his name. His name's `Rimmer'; or `Smeghead';
    or `Dinosaur breath'; or `Molecule Mind'. And if you want to be really
    mega-polite to him, Kryten -- we're talking mega-mega-polite -- on those
    rare and exceptional circumstances, you can call him `Arsehole'.
        - Red Dwarf, _Kryten_

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