Alas! Hanspeter Roth spake thus:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 08:14:10AM -0700, Rob 'Feztaa' Park wrote:
> > I know, pine is not very robust, but I'm pretty sure if you configure it
> > properly, it can display the time the message arrived if it arrived
> > today, the day of the week it arrived if it arrived less than a week
> > ago, and the full date otherwise.
> It took me to long to search for certain features in pine. I
> don't want to learn too many programs at once. Thus I have to
> set priorities. For me very importand are thread-sorting and
> tagging/deleting multiple messages with the same subject. It took me
> too long to find that in pine. So I gave up. Maybe once when I think I

I don't think pine can do the tagging stuff.

> can't explore anymore usefull in mutt, I might look at pine.

Don't bother, pine is not as useful as mutt :)

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"I'm glad I'm not Brezhnev. Being the Russian leader in the Kremlin.
You never know if someone's tape recording what you say."
                -- Richard Nixon

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