Pat --

...and then MuttER said...
% On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 01:31:45AM -0800, Will Yardley wrote:
% > 
% > i use a patch from:
% > 
% >
% This should be considered for incorporation as an included
% feature/option/whatever.

Lots of feature patches are floating around out there (just surf over to

to see the ones I use) but don't get included in the main mutt
distribution because they're not considered important enough to be
worth their weight in additional code.  One thing that has been at the
core of mutt's philosophy has been keeping the program tight and clean
and unbloated.

I created my cocktail page because I like that list of patches and wanted
to offer it to anyone who might enjoy it but might not enjoy making the
patches all work together (which I don't particularly enjoy, either, but I
really like my cocktail features :-)  There is a "clean" directory where
known-good versions are stored; all you have to do is grab the tar file,
extract it, and run configure and make to have the patched version of
mutt ready for your system.  The version under mutt-x.y.z on the cocktail
page is my working copy and may or may not be in any state to download :-)

% -- 
% Pat Shanahan             Registered Linux User #207535
%                   Registered at:

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