Hi, I'm struggling to maintain imap connections across an IPF firewall using mutt (on FreeBSD 4.4). The problem exists in both mutt and 1.3.25, and I haven't seen any references to it on the mailing list.
After 5 minutes, my firewall deletes old dynamic rules that haven't been used. This amount of time is configurable, although obviously I wouldn't want to set it too large. The problem is that mutt can often go for more than 5 minutes without generating any traffic to the imap server, thereby allowing the dynamic firewall rule to timeout due to inactivity. Mutt 1.2.5 has an imap_checkinterval variable that one would think would rectify this problem, but it appears that mutt doesn't actually perform a check when the interval expires. Instead it seems to wait for user activity before performing the check. Mutt 1.3.25 has no imap_checkinterval, but it does have an imap_keepalive variable. However, the keepalive is only invoked while mutt is invoking other system processes via the mutt_system() function (eg. the user's text editor) The question is, is there any easy way to configure mutt to generate periodic traffic to the imap server? If not, has anyone written a patch to do so? Thanks -Michael Burton
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