> Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 22:08:18 +0800
> From: Charles Jie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Mutt Mail-list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Possible to get the mail fetched by getmail filtered?
> Thank you, Charles, Roman and Mark.
> I've tried procmail and maildrop to go with getmail but all failed. I
> believe they should be able to work someday when I have enough hard work
> on them. :)
> Report:
> 2. maildrop returns (-1) while I set for getmail:
>    postmaster = "|/usr/bin/maildrop ~/.maildroprc"
>    (The .maildroprc contains stuff like Roman's.)

    Interesting. I suggest you to enable logging in both getmail and
    maildrop, tail -f both logfiles, and get some mail.
    Also, it'd be nice if you provided version numbers. I'm no maildrop
    hacker, but Charles wrote getmail, and a version number could
    probably help.

> 3. getmail doesn't have enough documentation at this moment:

    I dare to disagree:


>   a. no man page

    While man page would be really nice IMO, Charles
    expressed he was not interested in maintaining it. That said, the
    tarball *does* have enough docs IMO.

>   b. the rpm package comes with Mandrake 8.1 is broken. It misses a (at
>      least) python module. I replace it with a D/L one.

    You should bug the package's maintainer. The FreeBSD port I
    installed Getmail from didn't give me any trouble. And again, not
    enough info: *what* Python module?

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