Thus spake Troy Heber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Quick question. I just upgraded mutt from 1.2.5i to Mutt 1.3.25i
> Because of the security change. Problem is that my main inbox (my
> spoolfile I belive) is now giving me "Mailbox is read-only." when ever
> I try to do any operations on it. 
> The important part of my .muttrc is here:
> set spoolfile="/var/spool/mail/troyhebe"
> set folder=~/tmail      # where i keep my mailboxes
> set mbox=+inbox
> The only thing I did was upgrade mutt versions. Am I missing something
> stuipd? 

Did you upgrade from source?  Because I know that the Debian package for
one had a bug in one of the revisions that set bad permissions on some
locking feature of mutt.  It wasn't a mutt bug per se though.  

Justin R. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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