> With that and staroffice I could really make some PHB start thinking
> again about which platform has the lower TCO, is safer, better support,
> etc....
> Of course, until the boss' secretary keeps collapsing the LAN by sending
> everybody in the company "staff meeting at 10:am" messages as
> *POWERPOINT* attachments instead of plain body text, nobody is safe,
> but it would be a nice step forward, wouldn't it? (**)
>       TIA,
>                       Marco
> (**) It REALLY happened, with company logo and the whole works (~80K attachment sent 
>to ~400 people, many using Solaris): think about me the
> next time you complain about HTML mail.... :=((
I like the idea of a calendar thingy aswell, perhaps if my TODO list was
intergrated into my mail I'd do more work :)

I found StarOffice dissapointing though, everything I save as a .doc
reads like god knows what from MS Offi.


Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
Fax:    +45 3325 0677
Web:    www.explodingnet.com

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