Ok, so then how to I get vim into my profile. I use vim all the time from w3m, and on it's own from the command line, even, so I'm not sure why it isn't working for mutt.
--- Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > * Knute <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020108 08:39]: > > Ok, I've been fighting this for awhile now and I'm > getting > > tired of it. > > > > It was actually the reason that I joined his list > anyway. > > 8o) > > > > I can't send mail from mutt on my computer, and I'm not > > sure why. > > > > I know that my config files are ok, cause I can send > mail > > from mutt from my son's login, using my config files! > > > > When I try to send mail, it comes up with the To: > > I put that in, then the Subject: comes up, and when I > put > > something in there and hit enter, it just stays there. > > Any ideas? > > Hi > Sounds like the editor you've chosen does'nt exist in > your profile. > I suggest this because it took me a while to work out > that my call to > vim should actually be to vi (same thing but on my redhat > box this is > how it's done) If the editor won't run then nothing > happens, > > Check the editor you call is in your profiles path as it > clearly is with > your sons. > > HTH. > -- > > Nick Wilson > > Tel: +45 3325 0688 > Fax: +45 3325 0677 > Web: www.explodingnet.com > > > > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature ===== Knute 8~) +---------------------------------------------------------+ | You live. You die. Enjoy the interval. | | -- Swiftey (Clarence) | +---------------------------------------------------------+ __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail! http://promo.yahoo.com/videomail/