On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 06:57:13AM +0100, Gerhard Häring wrote:
> Le 07/01/02 ? 22:57, Walt Mankowski écrivit:
> > I recently tried out mutt 1.3.25.  This is my first look at the 1.3.*
> > series of mutt.  One thing I noticed right away is that mutt is no
> > longer display accented characters correctly.  On the index screen
> > they appear as question marks.  When viewing the text of an email,
> > they appear as octal with a "/" in front of them.
> In my experience an appropriate locale must be set or else the characters are
> considered "non-printable".
> Here's the relavant part from my bash .profile file:
> export LANG=en_IE@euro
> export LC_ALL=en_IE@euro
> export LANGUAGE=en_IE@euro
> export LC_CTYPE=en_IE@euro

(Beeing in Germany) I only defined

  export LC_CTYPE=de_DE.ISO_8859-1

That does the trick. At least for accents and umlauts.


PS: Isn't this some kind of FAQ?

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