* René Clerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020108 09:47]:
> * Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [08-01-2002 09:20]:
> | > % And is there a way to name the sig attachment? It's confusing some
> | > % people and I'd rather they didn't think I was sending them stuff they
> | > % _had_ to open.
> | > 
> | > If you use both $p_c_t and $p_o_c then LookOut! will be able to handle
> | > it even though it's named something like msg.pgp or whatnot.
> | 
> | Thanks David, I checked out the link on your site. The patch is a text
> | file right? How do I apply it to mutt?
> Usually typing:
> "patch -p1 < <diff>"
> in the root of a mutt tree should do the trick. Check out 'man patch'.
> If you want to apply more patches from David's cocktail, in sequence,
> I'll hand the mic to David again...
> | I'm afraid I'm as yet a little inexperienced in this type of thing. If
> | you could see your way clear to lending a hand I'd be grateful :)
> No worries ;)

It doesn't look like I have 'patch' in my system, would there be a
similar command?


Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
Fax:    +45 3325 0677
Web:    www.explodingnet.com

Attachment: msg22568/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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