Sam --

...and then Samuel Padgett said...
% Ken Weingold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
% > vim -r will give you a list of recoverable temp files.  Rarely fails
% > me.
% Yes, but then how do I actually send the message.  Cut-n-paste
% into a new composition buffer?

Rather than cut-n-paste I would just read in the file; at worst you might
have to vim -r in a separate window, save it somewhere, and then go into
mutt and read it in.  Yes, it's still manual, but it's better than using
a mouse.

% I was hoping Mutt had some facility to notice /tmp/mutt-* files
% that are unsent and allow you to resume composition--something
% like what Gnus does.  If Emacs crashes while you're composing an
% email in Gnus, the message is automatically stored in a "drafts"
% group.  It then only takes a few keystrokes to get back to exactly
% where you were.

The problem, of course, is that the editor is killed (along with mutt)
when your connection is dropped, so mutt wouldn't even have a chance to
take the file that vim was editing (and didn't get to finish, though much
of the data will be in the swap file for recovery) and save the message
in your =Postponed folder for when you came back.

Hmmm...  If you have edit_hdrs turned on, perhaps a vim -r followed by a
session of mutt -f /path/to/that/file would work...  I doubt it, but it's
worth poking into, particularly if you can turn it into an entry in the
postponed box.

% The dropped connections happen often enough for me that
% cut-n-paste becomes a real nuisance.  [ Unfortunately, the real
% problem--the unreliable network connection--is out of my control
% :-( ]

You should try screen, which not only lets you multiplex your connection
but saves your state as well.  I couldn't live without it!

% Thanks,
% Sam

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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