Alas! Aaron Schrab spake thus:
> > > macro index d <clear-flag>N<previous-undeleted><delete-message> "delete the 
>current entry"
> > 
> > Wouldn't these set read messages to new if you try to delete a message
> > that isn't new? ;)
> No, clear-flag does exactly that, it clears flags.  It should be pretty
> easy to check this out, since by default clear-flag is bound to W in the
> index.
> Now, toggle-new...

Ah, sorry, I was looking at the 'N' bit. It's bound to toggle-new by
default. I didn't realize that clear-flag asks you which flag to clear,
I thought it would just clear them all, and then the N key would toggle
the new flag back on...

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
To know recursion, you must first know recursion.

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