Hi List, I am currently using: Mutt Vim 6.0av SuSE 7.1 Gnupg 1.0.6
The Problem: When emailing, after I chose b(oth) sign/encrypt I type "y" to mail, enter my passphrase and in konsole I get the following: gpg: A89A2371--: skipped: public key not found. Press any key to continue. If I then go to my outbox and check the mail I had just sent, this is all that is in the body: [--PGP output follows (current time, etc)--] [--Error: could not create a pgp subprocess!--] What steps I have taken to resolve the problem: 1. Read the FAQ at gnupg.org (which fixed a second problem I was having). 2. Multiple google searches for related postings. 3. Related man pages (mutt and gpg) 4. Justins' site (codesorcery.net) 5. www.suse.de/en Using Mutt and gpg for email (for older versions of mutt and gpg though I tried it as well, didn't work) 6. Posted to suse list. Received one response referring me to kmail. 7. Posted to gnugp-users list. Received no response. I created the keys of course using --gen-key. I also installed geheimnis as well as gpa, and --list-keys Dallam shows that the keys are there, as does --list-public-keys Dallam. I am at the point of being losted with this now, and am hoping that someone on this list uses SuSE and might enlighten me as to what the problem is and how I go about resolving it. Would it make a difference that I only used one name (Dallam) insted of both names for the userid? Also, after I generated the keys was there something else that I was supposed to do perhaps (other than to create a revocation certificate) that I might have missed? Anyway, I am hoping that someone will be able to help me with this before I pull to much more hair out :) Thanks. Dallam -- Registered Linux User #213656 2217 4EB8 461D 743B 47CF 0D68 C32A 5CDE A89A 2371
Description: PGP signature