
When I was setting up Mixmaster with mutt, I didn't find the
recommended version of Mixmaster, so I tried Mixmaster 2.9beta32.  It
didn't quite work, but I figured out it was because Mixmaster now
wanted commas between the remailers in the command line.

I haven't bothered researching when this changed.  And I suppose this
could be checked at compile time.  But autoconf & co are not quite my
friends yet.

So, FWIW, attached is a patch that might be the right thing for you if
you have a newer version of Mixmaster and mutt is acting up.

Johan Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://johan.nforced.com/
GnuPG public key id: 0x6415B9F7 (1024 bits)
Key fingerprint: CA6F 0720 B0D1 2FBA  74EB 348C 3110 6415 B9F7
diff -u mutt-1.3.22.orig/remailer.c mutt-1.3.22/remailer.c
--- mutt-1.3.22.orig/remailer.c Thu Apr 26 15:15:20 2001
+++ mutt-1.3.22/remailer.c      Sat Dec  8 18:27:09 2001
@@ -751,12 +751,13 @@
   int i;
   snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "cat %s | %s -m -l", tempfile, Mixmaster);
-  for (; chain; chain = chain->next)
+  for (i=0; chain; chain = chain->next)
     strfcpy (tmp, cmd, sizeof (tmp));
-    snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "%s %s", tmp, (char *) chain->data);
+    snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), "%s%s%s", tmp, i++ ? "," : " ",
+             (char *) chain->data);
   if (!option (OPTNOCURSES))
     mutt_endwin (NULL);

Attachment: msg22388/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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