Hello to all, When I setup "mime_forward=yes" to forward messages in mime format I depared with the folowing decode settings bellow and now I have a *big* confusion in my head: ---------------------------------------------------------- forward_decode Type: boolean Default: yes Controls the decoding of complex MIME messages into text/plain when forwarding a message. The message header is also RFC2047 decoded. *This variable is only used, if "mime_forward" is unset, otherwise "mime_forward_decode" is used instead.* mime_forward_decode Type: boolean Default: no *Controls the decoding of complex MIME messages into text/plain when forwarding a message while "mime_forward" is set. Otherwise "forward_decode" is used instead.* ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. The first item "forward_decode" is easy to understand because it is only used if "mime_forward" is unset. In this case this variable is not used because I have "mime_forward=yes". 2. The second item "mime_forward_decode" is the problem for me to decide setting "yes" or "no" because it not make much sense since it defaults to "no". QUESTION: If "forward_decode" is not used because "mime_forward" is set, then what decode will be used since "mime_forward_decode" defaults to "no"? What I think it is correct: Since "forward_decode" is only used if "mime_forward" is unset ("no") and "mime_forward_decode" is only used if "mime_forward" is set ("yes") then the correct defaults to "forward_decode" and "mime_forward_decode" should be: -------------------- forward_decode Type: boolean Default: yes mime_forward_decode Type: boolean Default: YES ------------------- and not -------------------- forward_decode Type: boolean Default: yes mime_forward_decode Type: boolean Default: NO ------------------- CONCLUSION: If "mime_forward=yes", we need to setup "mime_forward_decode=YES" too to solve this issue. Am I right? Or I am *very* confused about this? Please explain to me if I'm wrong. Thanks very much, -- Nuno Teixeira pt-quorum.com
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