On Sat, Jan 05, 2002 at 05:59:57PM +0100, René Clerc wrote:
| * René Clerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [05-01-2002 17:47]:
| | But, I recall that I have seen an X-Status set to "F" sometimes, in
| | early versions of mutt. Does anybode know more on this?
| Dohh... this is for flagged messages... ;)
| | To answer the question: you'll need to patch the source to achieve
| | this, it isn't possible know, AFAIK.
| Yep, patch it. I'm taking a look at the source right now, I'll see
| what I can do ;)
| Bye,
| -- 
| René Clerc                      - ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
| Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf
| clovers.

Hi René,
  Thanks very much for your help.
  I made this question because I think that a replyed or a forwarded 
  message have the same meaning when we need to know if a message has already 
  been sent (replied or forwarded) to someone.
Thanks again,

Nuno Teixeira

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