[sab 05/01/2002, ore 00:34] => Im Eunjea scrive:

> maybe this will help?
> It's from Walt Mankowski's .emacs and I just put (turn-on-font-lock).
> ;; Automatically go into mail-mode and auto-fill-mode if filename
> ;; starts with /tmp/mutt, and move past the mail headers.
> (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "^\/tmp\/mutt" 'mail-mode))
>                               auto-mode-alist))
> (add-hook 'mail-mode-hook 'my-mail-mode-hook)
> (defun my-mail-mode-hook ()
>   (turn-on-font-lock)
>   (auto-fill-mode)
>   (mail-text)
> )
 Tnx, but is the same.

 I use vim, and when I replay I've:

 > blablablabla      <= magenta

 >> blablabla        <= red

 >>> blablabla       <= green

 Whit emacs >, >> and >>> are red.

"Quello che abbiamo e' quello che ci siamo presi, e quello che ci siamo 
 presi e' solo una piccola parte di quello di cui abbiamo bisogno"
                                                       Assalti Frontali

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