* Markus Boelter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-01-05 12:31]:
> Hi!
> I'm using mutt an gpg and I'm *very* happy with it! But a little
> thing I want to change:
> If I write an encrypted mail to a friend of mine, this mail
> is stored in the sent-mail folder - encrypted with the public-key
> from my friend. So I cann't read it anymore.
> How is it possible to store the sent-mail in sent-mail-folder (and
> enrypt it with my own key)?
> Thanks for help!
>   Markus

You can store unencrypted/unsigned messages.

set fcc_clear=yes

quoted from manual.


Type: boolean
Default: no

When this variable is set, FCCs will be stored unencrypted and unsigned,
even when the actual message
is encrypted and/or signed.

GnuPG fingerprint: 08C9 2D3F 91B2 D395 2EFF  4C33 544C 321C E194 91CF

Attachment: msg22310/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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