At 15:19 +0100 04 Jan 2002, Franco Vite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  send-hook . \
>  my_hdr From: Franco Vite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  send-hook [EMAIL PROTECTED] \
>          'my_hdr From: Franco Vite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; \
>         set signature=~/.signature.epmovi"

>  I've a question:
>  it work fine, but if someone post a mail to "epmovi" (my secondary
>  address), when I replay work the default my_hdr.
>  How I can to automaticaly replay with "epmovi" (out of an ML
>  scenario)?

First, you'll need to change that default (first) send-hook to remove
any previously applied From: header.  You can instead use the $from
variable to set your default address:

    send-hook . unmy_hdr From
    set from="Franco Vite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

Then if you tell mutt what adresses belong to you (with an appropriate
regexp for $alternates) and set $reverse_name, mutt will automatically
use the address to which a message was sent when you do a reply:

    set alternates='(franco@firenze\.linux\.it|epmovi@tin\.it)'
    set reverse_name

Aaron Schrab     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The only difference between a car salesman and a computer salesman is
 that the car salesman knows he's lying.

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