* Gary Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-01-04 12:16]:
> On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 11:05:59PM +0300, Im Eunjea wrote:
> > * Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-01-04 20:57]:
> > > Hi all, 
> > > If I hit 'd' to delete a mail whilst reading it in the pager Mutt takes
> > > me to the next undeleted/unread (not sure which) again in the pager.
> > > This seems like a fine idea but I'd really prefer to be taken back
> > > to the index.
> > > 
> > > I've looked around but can't work out what controls this behaviour?
> > > 
> > > Many thanks
> > 
> > macro pager d  "delete-message; quit"
> This works, but it also advances you to the next message, marking it as
> read.  To avoid this problem, reverse the order of the delete-message
> and quit/exit commands:
>     macro pager d <exit><delete-message> "delete current message and exit to index"
> Gary

Yes, You are right.
I missed I have some folder-hook stuff.

macro pager d <exit><delete-message>
set   resolve=no

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