On Fri, 04 Jan 2002, René Clerc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just got off the phone with a friend, and guess what we did: we
> verified fingerprints. And signed the keys. So, the gpg warning in the
> pager is no longer there, hurray!
> [-- PGP output follows (current time: Fri 04 Jan 2002 04:09:02 PM CET) --]
> gpg: encrypted with 1024-bit ELG-E key, ID 8FB53BB7, created 2001-09-18
>       "Rene Clerc"
> gpg: Signature made Fri 04 Jan 2002 04:02:38 PM CET using DSA key ID 9F86412C
> gpg: Good signature from "Guido Kollerie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
> [-- End of PGP output --]
> So far, so good.
> But, something strikes me: the status line says:
> PGP signature could NOT be verified.

I had problems with the status line being wrong sometimes.  Turned out
it was wrong when I used a non-english translation for gpg.

Anyway, the solution was to be found in the variable pgp_good_sign.
Check it out, might be the solution if we're lucky :)

Johan Andersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://johan.nforced.com/
GnuPG public key id: 0x6415B9F7 (1024 bits)
Key fingerprint: CA6F 0720 B0D1 2FBA  74EB 348C 3110 6415 B9F7

Attachment: msg22249/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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