Nick --

...and then Nick Wilson said...
% * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020104 15:03]:
% > 
% > ...and then Nick Wilson said...
% > % 
% > % * David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020104 14:05]:
% > % > 
% > % > ...and then Nick Wilson said...
% > % > 
% > % > % Although I have this line in .muttrc
% > % > % set record="~/Mail/records/"
% > % > % Mutt appears to be saving outgoing copies of my mail to ~/Mail.
% > % > 
% > % > $record is supposed to be a single mailbox (mbox file, Maildir dir, or
% > % immediately. I guess I just create an empty file called records?
% > 
% > Don't let my statement change the way you do your work; if you have
% Hmmm... Thanks.

Sure thing.

% Don't worry you're not changing the way I work at all, just helping me
% define a way.

Good enough.  There are certainly lots of ways to do that :-)

% How do I reply to a particular part of the digest? If I see a 'RE:
% something I posted' in the digest do I simply address a message to
% [EMAIL PROTECTED] with that subject line or is there some way of mutt
% knowing which part of the digest I'm reading?

Well, AFAIK most folks don't reply to digests; they get the individual
messages and then reply to them.  The digest itself is a different
message, and so when you reply to that you're in a different thread than
you would be if you replied to the original.

There are digest exploding tools out there, but they only have the info
in the digest -- and the original Message-ID: and References: headers
aren't in there.

Using the subject of your message "thread" is a good start, because mutt
will also group in similarly-subjected messages if you tell it it can
be a little loose.  mutt otherwise doesn't have a way to tell what part
you meant, though.  In fact, three different replies to the same digest,
even if they had three different subjects, would all be threaded together
if the parent message (the digest) were available because that's how
threading works.

Do you have a particular love for the digest version, or are you just
used to that and haven't thought about changing?  I think you'll very
much like mutt's threading capabilities and will never go back to a
digest again :-)

% Hope this isn't to dumb :)

Not at all.

% Nick


% -- 
% Nick Wilson
% Tel:  +45 3325 0688
% Fax:  +45 3325 0677
% Web:

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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