Ok, So I do not wish to go back to Kmail (which was my former mail client)
and I heard a lot of good things about mutt.  However, I cannot seem to get
it to work.  My objective in sending out this plea seems to be two things:

1) understand how exactly mutt recieves email.  In my first several
attempts, I slowly gathered the impression that mutt wanted me to configure
at least sendmail and fetchmail in addition to mutt.  I.e.: that mutt acts
only as a viewing agent to the standard unix mail programs.  In the
successive attempts to understand sendmail and fetchmail (neither of which I
have ever used--at least knowingly) I have become slightly lost.  The mutt
manual delves, IMHO, more into mutt configuration and uses, than actually
explaining how the heck to get it to recieve email.

Which brings me to questions two:

2) Is there somebody out there who would not mind a potentially lengthy
email-fest to help me figure this out?  I have (what I consider) to be a
rather weird setup:

I want mutt to handle three email accounts:  this one, at my university, and
2 yahoo accounts.  I do not live at the university, but am on DSL in the
surrounding area.  Therefore, I have one dedicated outgoing mail server for
all of the accounts (swbell-DSL), and 3 pop servers for incoming mail.  I
use suse linux 7.3, and I keep all my machines behind a NAT-based router
with a static IP.

Thanks for any and all help here to get this working.


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