I tried
text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html %s; copiousoutput

and even
text/html; cat %s; copiousoutput

And both acted the same. I removed all mutt config files in my home dir,
except .muttrc and ~/.mutt/.mailcap (attached) and have the same

Now, hopefully, someone can reproduce my problem.

On 01/03, David Ellement said something like:
> On 020103, at 12:49:22, Shawn wrote
> > I have put the followign entry in my mailcap:
> > text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html; copiousoutput
> This works for me:
>     text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html %s; copiousoutput

Shawn Leas

Last year I went fishing with Salvador Dali.  He was using a
dotted line.  He caught every other fish.
                                                -- Stephen Wright
# Enhanced mailcap file for the use with mutt and other mailreaders which
# support MIME as good as mutt...
# Based on Bell's mailcap file, which can be found in the metamail
# distribution, but heavily extended and changed
# by Roland Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1997-2000
# You will find the most recent version of this file at
# http://www.spinnaker.de/mutt/mailcap
# Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore)
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material 
# for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided 
# that the above copyright notice and this permission notice 
# appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be 
# used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this 
# material without the specific, prior written permission 
# of an authorized representative of Bellcore.  BELLCORE 
# $ Id: mailcap,v 1.20 2000/07/04 19:58:33 roland Exp roland $

# Audio

# Note that the effect of the following is to send ALL audio subtypes to the 
# showaudio program, but to compose audio (e.g. in the mailto program) 
# using "audio/basic" as the type.

#audio/basic; showaudio %s; compose=audiocompose %s;\
#       edit=audiocompose %s; description="An audio fragment"
audio/basic; compose=audiocompose %s;\
        edit=audiocompose %s; description="An audio fragment"
#audio/basic; cat > /dev/audio
#audio/ulaw; cat > /dev/audio
#audio/adpcm4; /usr/local/lib/vbox/vboxplay %s 200
#audio/x-wav; vplay %s
#audio/x-aiff; playaiff %s; compose=recordaiff -t 60 %s;        \
#       description="AIFF Audio"; x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/sound.xbm"
#audio/mod; /usr/bin/tracker %s
audio/x-pn-realaudio; rvplayer %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
audio/x-vbox; vboxplay %s
audio/mpeg; mpg123 %s
audio/mid; timidity %s
audio/midi; timidity %s
#audio/*; showaudio %s
#audio/*; xrplay %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
audio/*; rplay %s\; exit 1

# Image

# The following line is for sites where xv understands jpeg but xloadimage 
# is preferred. 
#image/jpeg; showpicture -viewer xv %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

#image/x-fits; saoimage -fits %s 2> /dev/null
image/x-xwindowdump; xwud -in %s 2> /dev/null
image/x-xbitmap; xwud -in %s 2> /dev/null

image/x-fax-g3; viewfax -geometry +5+23 %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/x-fax-g3;; print=printfax %s
#image/tiff; viewfax -geometry +5+23 %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/tiff; qiv %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/x-tiff; xv %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# For receiving X11 window image dumps from older versions of Andrew messages
image/x-xwd; showpicture %s; \
        description="An X11 window image dump in X-XWD format"

#image/x-sgi; ipaste %s; compose=imgworks %s; description="SGI image"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/image.xbm"
#image/x-bitmap; bitmap %s; description="X11 bitmap"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/bitmap.xbm"
#image/x-xpm1; olpixmap %s; description="OL pixmap"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/bitmap.xbm"

# The following sends all other image subtypes to showpicture.
#image/*; showpicture -viewer xli %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# The following sends all other image subtypes to xloadimage
image/*; xli %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# If you have only a text console:
image/*; image2ascii %s; copiousoutput

# The following all appear AFTER the corresponding READING entries, and 
# are for use in messages composition, e.g. in the "mailto" program
# In the following lines, the exit 0 junk is necessary because xwd 
# does not always exit with a valid exit status!
# For sites with current (X11R5) pbm utilities
#image/gif; showpicture %s; \
#       compose="xwd -frame | xwdtopnm | ppmtogif > %s\; exit 0"; \
#       description="An X11 window image dump in GIF format"
image/tiff; edit=xpaint %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/x-portable-pixmap; edit=xpaint %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/gif; edit=xpaint %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/x-bitmap; edit=xpaint %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/x-pixmap; edit=xpaint %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/x-windowdump; edit=xpaint %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# Message

message/partial; showpartial %s %{id} %{number} %{total} | less; \
message/partial; showpartial %s %{id} %{number} %{total}; copiousoutput

message/external-body; showexternal %s %{access-type} %{name} %{site} \
        %{directory} %{mode} %{server}; \
        needsterminal; composetyped = extcompose %s; \
        description="A reference to data stored in an external location"
message/external-body; ncftp %{site}:%{directory}/%{name}; \
        test=test %{access-type} = anon-ftp

# You can alter the above entry to only use certain access-types by 
# adding a clause like the following before the "description=" line:
#       test=test %{access-type}  = mail-server;  \

# Von Norbert:
#message/rfc822; xterm -e metamail %s

# Text

# The following gives rudimentary capability for receiving 
# text mail in the ISO-8859-1 character set, which covers many European 
# languages, and the ISO-8859-8 character set, which includes Hebrew
# Note that the pipe to tr ensures that the "ISO" is case-insensitive.
text/richtext; shownonascii iso-8859-8 -e richtext -p %s; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"  = iso-8859-8; \
text/richtext; shownonascii iso-8859-1 -e richtext -p %s; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"  = iso-8859-1; \
text/richtext; richtext %s; copiousoutput
text/enriched; shownonascii iso-8859-8 -e richtext -e -p %s; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"  = iso-8859-8; \
text/enriched; shownonascii iso-8859-1 -e richtext -e -p %s; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`"  = iso-8859-1; \
# If you have Andrew at your site, you MIGHT prefer to replace the
# above line with the following one, but probably would not because
# ez takes so long to start up.
# text/richtext; richtoatk < %s | ezview - ; copiousoutput
text/enriched; richtext -e %s; copiousoutput
#text/plain; shownonascii iso-8859-8 %s; \
#       test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-8859-8; \
#       copiousoutput
#text/plain; shownonascii iso-8859-1 %s; \
#       test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-8859-1; \
#       copiousoutput
text/plain; shownonascii iso-8859-8 %s; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" \
        = iso-8859-8 -a -n "$DISPLAY" ; \
text/plain; shownonascii iso-8859-8 %s | more ; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-8859-8; \
#text/plain; shownonascii iso-8859-1 %s; \
#       test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = \
#       iso-8859-1 -a -n "$DISPLAY" ; \
#       copiousoutput
#text/plain; shownonascii iso-8859-1 %s | more ; \
#       test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-8859-1 ; \
#       needsterminal
text/plain; cat %s; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-8859-1 ; \

# The following displays Japanese text at sites where the "kterm" program 
# is installed:
text/plain; kterm -geometry +0+0  -e more %s /dev/null; \
        test=test "`echo %{charset} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`" = iso-2022-jp

# Interactive viewer:
#text/html; (netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)' || netscape %s)\;exit 1; \
#       test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
# "exit 1" is needed to get a "Press key" prompt in mutt, otherwise the 
# tempfile is removed before Netscape could read it.
#text/html; (netscape -noraise -remote 'openFile(%s,new-window)' \
#       || netscape %s)\;exit 1; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
# The following uses my special netscape wrapper:
text/html; netscape %s\;exit 1; nametemplate=%s.html; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
text/html; lynx -force_html %s; needsterminal

# non-interactive, basically text converter:
#text/html; lynx -force_html -dump %s; copiousoutput
text/html; w3m -dump -T text/html %s; copiousoutput
#text/html; html2text %s; copiousoutput

text/x-sgml; cat %s; copiousoutput
text/x-chdr; cat %s; copiousoutput
text/x-csrc; cat %s; copiousoutput
text/x-tex; cat %s; copiousoutput
text/tex; cat %s; copiousoutput
text/x-sh; cat %s; copiousoutput
text/english; cat %s; copiousoutput

text/x-vcard; vcard-filter; copiousoutput

# Video

# This maps MPEG video data to the viewer 'mpeg_play'.
# (Mpeg_play is part of the MPEG distribution from The Berkeley Plateau
# Research Group and is available via anonymous ftp from toe.cs.berkeley.edu.)
#video/mpeg; mpeg_play %s 2>/dev/null ; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# This maps all other types of video to the xanim viewer.  (Xanim is written
# by Mark Podlipec, [EMAIL PROTECTED])
video/*; xanim +Av70 +Sr +Zpe %s >/dev/null; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# Application

# If you have an interactive Postscript interpreter, you should think 
# carefully before replacing lpr with it in the following line, because 
# PostScript can be an enormous security hole.  It is RELATIVELY harmless
# when sent to the printer...
application/postscript; gv %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
#application/postscript; lpr %s \; echo SENT FILE TO PRINTER;\
#       description="A Postscript File"
#application/postscript; ps2ascii %s | par 72; copiousoutput
application/postscript; pstotext %s; copiousoutput
application/postscript;; print=lpr %s

#application/pdf; xpdf -q %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/pdf; acroread %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
#application/pdf; pdftotext-filter; copiousoutput

application/x-tex; cat %s; copiousoutput

application/x-dvi; xdvi %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/x-dvi; dvi2tty -w 132 %s; nametemplate=%s.dvi; copiousoutput
application/x-dvi;; print=dvips %s

application/x-gzip-dvi; zxdvi %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
application/x-gzip-dvi; zcat | dvi2tty-filter -w 132; copiousoutput

application/x-gzip-postscript; gv %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

#application/x-gzip; zcat | less; needsterminal
#application/x-gunzip; zcat | less; needsterminal
#application/x-gzip; zcat; copiousoutput
#application/x-gunzip; zcat; copiousoutput

application/x-gzip; octet-filter %s; copiousoutput
application/x-gunzip; octet-filter %s; copiousoutput
application/x-diff-gzip; zcat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-bzip2; octet-filter %s; copiousoutput

application/x-cpio; cpio -tvF --quiet %s; copiousoutput
application/x-gtar; tar tvf %s; copiousoutput
application/x-tar; tar tvf %s; copiousoutput
application/x-tar-gz; tar tvfz %s; copiousoutput
application/x-rar-compressed; rar v %s; copiousoutput
application/x-zip-compressed; unzip -v %s; copiousoutput
application/zip; unzip -v %s; copiousoutput

application/x-csh; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-sh; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-script; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-shellscript; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-latex; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-tex; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-shar; cat %s; copiousoutput
application/x-perl; cat %s; copiousoutput

application/x-troff; groff -Tlatin1 %s; copiousoutput
application/x-troff-man; man -l %s 2>/dev/null; copiousoutput
application/x-troff-me; groff -me -Tlatin1 %s; copiousoutput

application/x-lotus-notes; lotusview %s; needsterminal
application/x-lotus-notes; lotusview -B %s; copiousoutput

application/pgp; pgp -f < %s | metamail; needsterminal; \
        test=test %{encapsulation}=entity 
application/pgp; pgp %s; needsterminal
application/pgp; pgp +verbose=0 %s; \
        test=test %{format} = keys-only; needsterminal
#application/pgp; pgp +verbose=0 -f; copiousoutput; needsterminal
application/pgp-keys; pgp -f 2>/dev/null; copiousoutput
application/x-pgp-public-key; pgp +verbose=0 %s; needsterminal
application/x-pgp-message; pgp +verbose=0 -f; needsterminal; copiousoutput
#application/pgp-signature; cat %s; copiousoutput
#application/pgp; pgp +verbose=0 %s -o %s.plain && \
#       metamail -z %s.plain || rm -f %s.plain; \
#       test=test %{format} = mime; needsterminal; copiousoutput
application/pkcs7-signature; strings %s; copiousoutput
application/x-pkcs7-signature; strings %s; copiousoutput

application/msword; wv-ns %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
#application/msword; kantiword a4 %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
#application/msword; strings | fmt; copiousoutput
#application/msword; strings-locale; copiousoutput
#application/msword; strings %s; copiousoutput
#application/msword; lhalw --column 80 --to_stdout %s 2>/dev/null; \
#       copiousoutput
#application/msword; word2x-filter; copiousoutput
#application/msword; catdoc %s; copiousoutput
application/msword; antiword %s; copiousoutput
application/ms-tnef; tnef2txt %s; copiousoutput
application/excel; xlsview %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

application/rtf; rtfreader %s; copiousoutput

# Type octet-stream (binary) data can be displayed as a hex dump before
# you decide whether or not you want to save it to a file.  (Hd is just
# a standard hex dump program.  You could use "od" if you do not have an
# "hd".  Naive users may find the output from this entry confusing.)
#application/octet-stream; hexdump; copiousoutput; \
#       description="Hex dump of data"
application/octet-stream; octet-filter %s; copiousoutput

# The following should be commented out if you do NOT have safe-tcl
# and should be uncommented if you DO have safe-tcl
#application/safe-tcl; swish -safe -messaging -f %s

application/x-tcl; cat %s; copiousoutput

# The following should be commented out if you do NOT have atomicmail
# and should be uncommented if you DO have ATOMICMAIL
#application/atomicmail; atomicmail %s; compose=surveyor.am -p %s; \
#       description="An interactive ATOMICMAIL survey"
# The following should be used instead if you have atomicmail but not TK.
#application/atomicmail; atomicmail %s ; needsterminal
#application/atomicmail; atomicmail %s; compose=surveyor.am -p %s; \
#       description="An interactive ATOMICMAIL survey"; needsterminal

# The following give rudimentary capabilities to read old andrew format
# even to non-Andrew sites, since "ezview" comes with metamail.
application/andrew-inset; ezview %s ; copiousoutput; edit=ez -d %s; \
        compose="ez -d %s"; description="An Andrew inset/document"

# The following is used for distributing metamail patches
# It should probably be used only by those administering metamail at a site.
# You will need to replace "source-tree-root" with the real root of your 
# actual metamail source tree.
# You can also modify this line to get metamail patches from some trusted
# server other than thumper, if there is one -- man patch-metamail for help.
application/x-metamail-patch; \
        cat > /dev/null \;patch-metamail source-tree-root %{patchnumber};\

application/x-debian-package; dpkg --info %s\; dpkg --contents %s; \

# The following is for support of MacMIME, especially those
# the Columbia AppleTalk package (CAP) installed.
# For more info about MacMIME, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# If you don not have CAP, and have not changed rcvAppleSingle
# or sndAppleSingle, you should comment out this line.
application/applefile; rcvAppleSingle %s; compose="sndAppleSingle %s";\
        description="An Apple Macintosh file in AppleSingle format"

# The following is for interoperability with Z-Mail version 3.0 and beyond.
# To enable this compatibility, uncomment all of the following lines.
# For more info about Z-Mail, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#application/x-movie; movieplayer %s; compose=moviemaker %s; \
#       description="Movie"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/movie.xbm"
#application/x-inventor; examine %s; description="Inventor file"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/inventor.xbm"
#application/x-zm-fax; zfax %s; description="Z-Fax document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/fax.xbm"
#application/x-showcase; showcase %s; compose=showcase %s; \
#       description="Showcase document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/showcase.xbm"
#application/x-jot; jot %s; compose=jot %s; description="Jot document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/jot.xbm"
#application/x-island-write; IslandWrite %s; compose=IslandWrite %s; \
#       description="IslandWrite document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/islwrite.xbm"
#application/x-island-draw; IslandDraw %s; compose=IslandDraw %s; \
#       description="IslandDraw document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/isldraw.xbm"
#application/x-island-paint; IslandPaint %s; compose=IslandPaint %s; \
#       description="IslandPaint document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/islpaint.xbm"
#application/x-wingz; Wingz %s; compose=Wingz %s; \
#       description="Wingz document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/wingz.xbm"
#application/x-framemaker; maker -f %s; compose=maker -f %s; \
#       description="FrameMaker document"; \
#       x11-bitmap="/usr/lib/Zmail/bitmaps/frame.xbm"
#Another suggested way to use FrameMaker
# application/x-framemaker; clclient -f %s \; sleep 60 ; \
#       compose="getfilename FrameMaker %s" 

# multipart:

# Definitions for MIME security with PGP (RFC 2015):
multipart/encrypted; showencrypted %{boundary} %s; \
        test=test %{protocol} = application/pgp-encrypted; needsterminal
multipart/signed; showsigned %{boundary} %s; \
        test=test %{protocol} = application/pgp-signature; needsterminal

x-world/x-vrml; vrweb -URL '%u' -remote '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
model/vrml; vrweb -URL '%u' -remote '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

# Schrott:

# The following is a VERY rough cut at showing mail from Sun's openwindows 
# mailtool
# Old version
# x-sun-attachment; sun-to-mime %s
x-sun-attachment; sun2mime %s
audio-file; sun-audio-file %s
default; sun-message.csh %s %{encoding}; needsterminal
mail-file; sun-message.csh %s %{encoding}; needsterminal
sun-deskset-message; sun-message.csh %s %{encoding}; needsterminal
x-be2;     ezview %s ; copiousoutput
# Old Z-mail format
#x-zm-multipart: sun-to-mime %s
#multipart/enabled-mail; show-enabled %F

# A common problem with the mailcap mechanism is getting differential 
# behavior from different programs.  This problem is compounded by the fact 
# that some programs, notably Mosaic, do not implement the "test" clause in 
# mailcap files.  The following two mailcap entries should give you a model 
# for a hack that will allow you to get differential behavior from Mosaic and 
# metamail in spite of this fact.  It exploits the fact that metamail always 
# sets the MM_MAILER variable (if only to "unknown") while Mosaic does not.
# foo/bar; echo mosaic; test=test "$MM_MAILER" = ""
# foo/bar; echo not mosaic
reset all               # reset all variables to system defaults.

## Set some paths
set     alias_file=~/.mutt/.mutt_aliases
set     editor="vim -c 'set tw=72 et' '+/^$'"
set     folder=~/mail
set     ispell=/usr/bin/ispell
set     mailcap_path="~/.mutt/.mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap"
set     postponed=~/mail/postponed
set     signature="~/.sig"
set     spoolfile=/var/spool/mail/z3rk
set     tmpdir=/tmp
## set  print_command="enscript -2 --pretty-print=mail -G -j -r -d laserjet1"

## Set some formats
set     forw_format="%s (fwd)"
set     index_format="%4C %Z %2M %{[%y.%d.%m]} %-20.20F (%3l) %s"
set     pager_format="%S [%C/%T] %n -=- %s"
set     status_format="%v  [%?M?%M/?%m]  %?n?%n new | ?%?t?%t *tagged | ?%?d?%d 
deleted | ?%?p?%p postponed | ?%?b?%b to go.?%> [%h:%f]"
## PGP Formatting
## %n = number   %k = key id     %K = key id of the principal key
## %u = user id  %a = algorithm  %A = algorithm of the princ. key
## %l = length   %L = length of the princ. key   
## %f = flags    %F = flags of the princ. key    
## %c = capabilities             %C = capabilities of the princ. key
## %t = trust/validity of the key-uid association
##set pgp_entry_format="%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u"
set pgp_entry_format="%4n %t%f %[%y/%m/%d] %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u"

## Boolean Variables:
##       set foo
## or    unset foo
## or    toggle foo
## or    reset foo (reset to compile time default)
## or    set nofoo  or set invfoo (inverts actual value)
set     allow_8bit
unset   arrow_cursor
unset   confirmappend
set     confirmcreate
set     copy
set     edit_headers
set     fast_reply
set     help
set     ignore_list_reply_to
set     include
unset   mark_old
unset metoo
unset   move
set     pager_stop
unset   prompt_after
set     reverse_alias
set     reverse_name
unset   save_name
unset   sig_dashes
set     status_on_top
unset   strict_threads
set     tilde

## Quadoptions 
##       set foo=yes
##  or   set foo=ask-yes
##  or   set foo=no
##  or   set foo=ask-no
##  or   reset foo (reset to compile time default)
set     abort_nosubject=no
set     attribution="On %(%m/%d), %n said something like:"
set     delete=yes
set     mime_forward=ask-yes
set     quote_regexp="^([ \t]*[>%:|])+"
set     recall=no
set     record=+fcc
set     reply_regexp="^((re|r e|r?f|aw|antw.?|antwort):[ \t]*)*"
set     reply_to=ask-yes
set     shell=zsh
set     sort=threads
set     to_chars="X+TCF"

## Integers:
set     history=100
set     read_inc=25
set     pager_context=1
set     pager_index_lines=0

## Pretty Good Privacy (PGP):
## (PGP Hooks in ~/.mutt/.mutt_personal)
set     pgp_autosign                # pgp sign every outgoing mail. (send-hook?)
unset   pgp_autoencrypt             # pgp encrypt every outgoing mail. (send-hook?)
#set    pgp_encryptself             # PGP +encrypttoself einschalten.
set     pgp_replysignencrypted      # Sign replies on encrypted mail
set     pgp_replyencrypt            # Encrypt replies on encrypted mail
set     pgp_replysign               # Sign replies on signed mail
set     pgp_verify_sig=yes          # Ask me whether I want to check a pgp signature
set     pgp_timeout=7200            # forget PGP passphrase after 7200 seconds (=2 
set     pgp_sign_as=""              # UserID/KeyID for signing
set     pgp_strict_enc              # always use QP enc. with PGP.
unset   pgp_long_ids                # display 64bit PGP key-ids
#set    pgp_sign_micalg=pgp-md5     # pgp-md5 for RSA-Keys. (pgp-sha1, pgp-rmd160)
#set    pgp_v2=pgp                  # pgp 2.* binary
#set    pgp_v2_language=mutt        # language in ~/.pgp/language.txt
#set    pgp_v2_pubring=~/.pgp/pubring.pgp   # Public PGP-Keyring (PGP 2.*)
#set    pgp_v2_secring=~/.pgp/secring.pgp   # Secret PGP-Keyring (PGP 2.*)
#set    pgp_default_version=pgp2    # pgp2, pgp5, pgp6, gpg (default for following)
#set    pgp_receive_version=default # pgp-version for decrypting and verifying sigs
#set    pgp_send_version=default    # pgp-version for composing messages
#set    pgp_key_version=default     # pgp-version for extracting and sendig keys
unset   pgp_retainable_sigs         # disable retainable signatures.
set     pgp_create_traditional=ask-no       # Use old-style PGP? (don't do it!)
set     pgp_show_unusable           # show unusable PGP keys in menu
#set    pgp_gpg=
#set    pipe_decode
#set    pipe_sep
#set    pipe_split

## Sorting of PGP keys:
## (address, keyid, date, trust) and reverse-*
set pgp_sort_keys=trust

## MIME-Types which should be automatically displayed. If a copiousoutput
## exists, use it and display it in internal pager.
## (if $implicit_autoview is set, this is automated for MIME types where
##  an entry with copiousoutput exists in the mailcap)

        auto_view text/html application/x-gzip application/x-gunzip \
                application/pgp-signature application/pgp \
                application/octet-stream application/x-zip-compressed \
                application/x-tar-gz application/ms-tnef application/msword \
                application/x-sh application/x-perl application/x-tcl \
                application/postscript image/*

## List of MIME-Types to give a priority when reading multipart/alternative

        alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text/html

ignore *
unignore date from: subject to cc reply-to:
unignore organization organisation
unignore user-agent: x-agent: x-mailer: x-newsreader: x-mailing-list:
unignore mail-followup-to:
unignore resent- x-resent

unhdr_order *
hdr_order Date: From: Reply-To: To: Cc: Subject: Message-Id: X-Mailer: X-Agent:

source ~/.mutt/.mutt_aliases            # Load my "addressbook"

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