Alas! René Clerc spake thus:
> | % Funny how I get to spend New Years Eve trying to make a heterogenous
> | % network of Linux and Windows boxen work with each other, and the rest of
> | % you get to party (hopefully) :)
> Trust me, I did!

Lucky you... eight hours of work all I managed to do was learn that
the only reason they call it "Windows" is because prolonged usage
makes you want to throw your computer through one...

> | Oh, quit your whining -- you know you're in hog heaven :-)
> ;)
> Happy 2002 to you all!

Lets hope it turns out better than the last one!

Rob 'Feztaa' Park
"Adam was the luckiest man in the world. He had no mother-in-law."
                -- Sholom Aleichem

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