Mohit --

...and then Srivastava, Mohit said...
% Dear all 
% I Checked out the set of source code for MUTT and was trying to install and
% build following the procedure.
% However we have a C++ compiler and it gives errors in codes. Even after
% converting C code to C++ it fails later as key words New , delete etc are
% used.

What flavor of UNIX do you have?  There are many.

A well-known and well-tested free compiler is the GNU C/C++ compiler.
You might surf over to and download a copy of that, and then
build it and then build mutt (or anything else).  Don't ask questions
about it here, though; we don't know or aren't telling :-)

% Is there any place from where i can download the Binary tar of MUTT for UNIX
% operating system, without having to compile.
% I could find one for Linux which does not run on UNIX.

You might try, but I think we only have Linux RPMs
there.  Hmmm...  Perhaps we could add others, like Solaris packages.
Again, what flavor are you running?

% Regards
% Mohit

HTH & HAND & Happy Holidays to all

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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