Markus --

...and then Markus Boelter said...
% Hi!


% On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 07:22:47AM -0500, David T-G wrote:
% [...]
% > I named the script wmunpack and, except for receiving attachments in an
% > encrypted email (in which I decrypt-save to the mailbox and run wmunpack
% > from there), it's easier for me than going into the attachment menu and
% > detaching something there.
% Nice! Is it rude to ask you to send me your Script *smile* :)

Thanks, and not at all.  In fact, in case otherss might want it, ... :-)

% How did you inserted it into mutt? Or is it called by procmail?

I didn't and it isn't; I just put my cursor on a messagee and


to extract the attachments.  I'd rather keep the attachments on the
original messages for archiving, so I don't strip them Eudora-style, and
I don't usually keep attachments out forever (though some favorite pix
are certainly still there).

I should probably read the message to grab the messae-id and make a dir
based on that (except for email from Rob ;-) but this works and I'm lazy.
A simple date-sort of the dir puts all of the new files together anyway.

% > % I want to save all attachments in ~/attachments and export
% > % this dir via nfs onto my workstation/webserver.
% > I do basically the same thing.
% :)
% Thanks so far and how we say in Germany: "slide good into the
% next year!" :)

And to you!

%   Markus
% -- 
% please don't send me html-messages!
% pgp-fingerprint: 0FFC 3A33 8B54 DDB9 0F3D  BFD5 CFB1 6038 FB0E 1D5B
% pgp-public-key:

BTW,I couln't find this host to get your public key...

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

# quickie to munpack from email to web dir


case "$1" in
  -p ) DIR=pix ;;
  -d ) DIR=doc ;;
  *  ) DIR=tmp ;;

umask 022
cd $WWW/$DIR

Attachment: msg22031/pgp00000.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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