Hi Felipe, > I hope I can make this clear, when mutt modifies a file (mbox) it > doesn't update the timestamps. Sure, I know this problem very well and started a long thread about this, but in the end I was told that it's not a bug, but a feature. I still don't understand why and keep thinking that it's a bug. But there seem to be too many people out there that like that way because a lot of (in my opinion broken) programs make use of it and so it won't be changed. (If I'd dare to compare this behaviour with the compatibility desires of a big company in Redmond, I would probably start another loooong thread ;-)
Anyway I now use this patch: --- mutt-1.3.20.orig/mbox.c +++ mutt-1.3.20/mbox.c @@ -959,9 +959,11 @@ } /* Restore the previous access/modification times */ +/* ASp: I don't want this doubtable "feature"! utimebuf.actime = statbuf.st_atime; utimebuf.modtime = statbuf.st_mtime; utime (ctx->path, &utimebuf); +*/ /* reopen the mailbox in read-only mode */ if ((ctx->fp = fopen (ctx->path, "r")) == NULL) Good luck (and don't kill me with flames now), Andy. -- Dr. Andy Spiegl, Radio Marañón, Jaén, Perú E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://spiegl.de, http://radiomaranon.org.pe PGP/GPG: see headers o _ _ _ ------- __o __o /\_ _ \\o (_)\__/o (_) -o) ----- _`\<,_ _`\<,_ _>(_) (_)/<_ \_| \ _|/' \/ /\\ ---- (_)/ (_) (_)/ (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)' _\o_ _\_v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "People that hate cats, will come back as mice in their next life." --Faith Resnick