> Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 17:09:05 +0100
> From: Andre Majorel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Using message-hook to run messages through a filter
> There is one guy out there who has particular and very annoying
> writing idiosyncracies (think Prince or B1FF). I wrote a filter to
> translate his prose to something less obnoxious. Now how do I
> configure Mutt to automatically pipe his messages through the
> filter when reading or replying to him ?
> I thought that 
>   message-hook "~f joe@blow\.com" "pipe-message /usr/local/bin/unmangle"
> would do the trick but Mutt says "pipe-message: unknown command".

    It's <pipe-message> (incl. the angle brackets) isn't it?
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