[21.12.01 09:19 +0100] Mikael Berthe <-- : > * Josh Huber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2001/12/21 01:19]: > > In other words, all you have to do is set LANG :) > > You don't need to set each variable, unless you need the values > > different. > > Well... > LANG is the default locale. > It can be overriden with LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, etc. > > Then, LC_ALL overrides LC_* (and thus LANG). > > So if he has defined LC_something somewhere, setting LANG can be > useless. > > However, if one sets LC_ALL there's no need to set the others LC_* > variables...
LANG and LANGUAGE are references whether you want translations - means instead of english you want german/french/... messages they are for gencat (older) and gettext (newer) message translations translations are kept as /usr/share/locale/<locale>/<package>.mo if you want translations LANG must be set - LANG definition has the form of =de_DE - it uses 4-letter notation and can hold only one value if you want alternate translations LANGUAGE must be set if not, it might be set; in case of missing LANG is examined - LANGUAGE has the longest form of =de,no,fr,<more> - so it might use 2-letter listing notation - this will look for german first, then norsk, then french self-speaking that translations are only presented correctly if you have a charset defined which has that languages special charaters LC_ variables are references what format to use for certain things - means instead of english print the german/french time/date formats are kept as /usr/lib/locale/<locale>/LC_<variable> if you want a different format for something 1. the definition file must be present in /usr/lib/locale/<locale>/ to get missing <locale> files you use the localedef command 2. you must set the LC_<variable> to the corresponding <locale> value doing this you refer to the lib/locale/<locale>/LC_<variable> 3. LC_ALL means (all) LC_* plus LANG and is for quick unsetting or do you see any LC_ALL locale file which you refer to when setting? 4. only set those LC_ variables which you really need those would mostly be _CTYPE, _MESSAGES and _TIME 5. for LC_CTYPE the most correct value is for example de_DE.ISO-8859-1 - stating the lang_territory.charset-used HTH -- Erika Pacholleck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mutters: insert vowels of last name