Hi there,

the post about anding / oring values of these variables (ok, so they're
listed as commands :) reminded me of one thing that was a somewhat
unpleasant surprise when I started using mutt... I never got around
asking about it, so here you are. :)

I was quite surprised to find out that the patterns you give to
"subscribe" are anchored at the beginning; I would certainly expect them
to be anchored at the end of the string: I don't want to get into the
"most sites do it this or that way", so instead lemme give you an

instead of 
subscribe php-dev php-qa pear-dev jitterbug

I could've just have
subscribe lists.php.net

and instead of 

subscribe lists.horde.org
would have been enough

It's obvious that this behavior is not going to change after it's been
in use for so long, I'm just curious about the reasons that lead to the
current behavior.

And, as a bonus question: would it be possible to add RE support to
"subscribe" and "lists"?

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