
thanks all for your suggestions.

I hadn't used procmail before, so I've read some manuals. Using the
default spool mailbox, .forward and procmail recipe like

:0 w: $DEFAULT.lock
* ^mailing-list: .*yahoogroups
* ^content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
| formail -i "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-9" >>$DEFAULT

I get charset fixed as needed (although I'm not sure about the proper

But in reality I use two mailboxes, both are IMAP. On one of the servers
I don't have shell access, so I can't use procmail (?). The other one is
Cyrus, with its own LDA and non-mbox mailbox format. I have yet to look
whether (and how) I can use .forward and formail there (tips

My question is: can I do the same with mutt only? E.g., I open the
mailbox, press <enter> on a message, and (optionally) if it matches a
certain criterion, it gets filtered through an external program, then
displayed in usual mutt's viewer?

Thanks in advance,

On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 11:43:50PM +0100, Michael Wagner wrote:
> you can solve this problem with procmail. In "man procmailex" ist an
> example for piping a message through formail to correct the charset. I
> think, this is the best you can do, because you can give all mails
> which you get, the charset you want.

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