* Matej Cepl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for OT question, but I think, for anybody really familiar
> with procmail it will be only mild distraction. I have this very
> simple recipe in my .procmailrc:
>       :0:
>       * ^TOcstex
>       listy
> However, emails in this list have mungled Reply-To: directing to
> the list. Could it be possible to ask procmail (or how to ask
> procmail) that before moving the message to the listy folder, it
> would run a message through grep -v '^Reply-To:'? And, BTW I do
> not want just
>       :0:
>       * ^TOcstex
>       | grep -v '^Reply-To:' >> $MAILDIR/listy

I'm not expert nor is this tested but something like:

* ^TOcstex
  :0 fhw
  | grep -v '^Reply-To:'


> because I would like to make it to work even when I would change
> my mind and switched to maildir format. Therefore, I would
> prefer, if the actual delivery would be done by procmail.
>       Thanks
>               Matej

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