On Sat, 8 Dec 2001 23:06:00 -0200, Jose Romildo Malaquias wrote:
> Hello.
> I am using mutt-1.2.5i with support for reading news via NNTP (patch
> http://mutt.kiev.ua/download/mutt-1.2.5/patch-1.2.5.vvv.nntp.gz).
> The news server is my own box (localhost), which has installed
> leafnode to fetch newsgroups from usenet.
> After reading some messages in a newsgroup with mutt, when
> quiting the newsgroup, mutt asks
>         Mark all articles read? ([y]/n):
> to which I answer y, but when I visit that newsgroup again
> with mutt, all the messages are marked as new.

You have yet to persuade mutt, that it should show only new
messages in the NNTP folders. Try to add this to your .muttrc:

        folder-hook ^nntp "push '<limit> ~N | ~O<return>'"
        folder-hook . "push '<limit> <return>'"


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Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a
reason. By all means, do not use a hammer.
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