On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 09:06:42AM +0100, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 04:20:03PM +1100, Doug Kearns wrote:
> > I've just noticed that if you are cycling through the command history
> > and abort with a ^G, the next time you invoke the line editor you are
> > placed at the point in history list at which you aborted.
> > 
> > example:
> > 
> > :command 1
> > :command 2
> > :command 3
> > :command 4
> > :command 5
> > 
> > cycle up the history to 'command 3', abort and invoke the line editor
> > again. Hit the <Up> key and you are at 'command 2' which is not the last
> > command you entered.
> >
> Well, in a sense you are at the last line you entered are you not ?

Not really. I'm at the last line I scrolled to in the history buffer,
not the last line I 'entered'.

> You "entered" it through cycling to it+1. You aborted the current action
> which leaves the history pointer at current-action -1 .
Surely an aborted operation should not change the state of the history

> It seems strange, but if you think about it then it is logical.
Not to me :-)

I've also noticed that the history is cleared when the history buffer is
full, rather than just deleting the least recent item.

I'm curious if this is the desired behaviour.


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