On Sat, Dec 08, 2001 at 10:50:57AM -0500, "Michael P. Soulier" 
> Hey people. 
> When I send a digitally signed email to some users using M$ Lookout!, they are
> immediately prompted for an encryption scheme and they cannot even open my
> email until they set one up. Perhaps it's just our brainless IS department at
> work, but it means that I can't use digital sigs at work, which is
> unfortunate. Does anyone happen to know what instructions I might offer these
> poor souls inflicted with OTDs (That's outlook transmitted diseases) on how to
> turn off such an annoying feature/bug? I don't use it and I'm sure many here
> don't, but I thought the question might have come up already. 

Shouldn't you call it Lockout instead of Lookout then?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm even more sorry, this is the first time
I hear about this "feature".


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