On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 03:14:22PM -0200, Cleber S. Mori wrote:
> Hi all, again.
> Thank you, my friends, I found the problem.
> As imagined, some thing was wrong.
> Cliff Sarginson sent a mail saying that comsat could be the problem.
> Exactly, in my inetd.conf, there WAS comsat enabled.
> When I first posted the message like a month a go, 3 or 4 fellows asked me
> for the results, when I find. Here it is. 
> In my slack 8.0 Linux, comsat was enabled ny default. So...
To expand a little on this.

For some bizarre reason Slackware is distributed with 

biff y

In it's /etc/profile.

The appalling biff program requires "comsat" to do it's job, so
that is why I guess Slackware has it enabled.

"biff" (named after the author's dog btw) screws the mail access time.

Further if "biff y" is set then it provokes mysterious error
messages when you use "su", this is because ownerships/permissions on tty's
are established when you login and "su - user" cannot affect this.


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