Brian --

...and then Brian Clark said...
% I left out part of my inquiry in the last post to the list..sorry. :-)

No problem; threads shouldn't be tied together anyway.

% When I do something like this:
% .. I get the expected output, "Checking mail..," but when it's done I
% get the "Press any key to continue..." -- which I get for any shell
% commands I run.


% Is there any way to only do that if there is an error?

RTFM for $wait_key :-)

% -- 
%  -Brian Clark


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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