Ren? Clerc wrote:
> * Cleber S. Mori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [06-12-2001 00:04]:
> > How does mutt checks for new mail?  I mean, when I press c<ret>, how
> > does it knows which folder have new mails, and which one does not?

> Check the "mailboxes" directive: here you specify which mailboxes
> receive mail. The order you specify them in, determines which one with
> new mail shows up first.

well i think the question was how mutt knows which folders have new
mail.  for mbox folders it uses the modification time (mtime i think,
but i always get that crap mixed up) to see when the file was last

with maildir i assume it just checks to see if there are messages in
folder/new/ but i could be wrong there.

William Yardley                   System Administrator, Newdream Network

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