On 2001-12-04 (Tuesday) at 21:40:40 +0100, René Clerc wrote:
> * Will Yardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [04-12-2001 21:22]:
> | Josh Huber wrote:
> | > 
> | > 1) to have qmail generate the Mail-Followup-To header automatically,
> | >    you must have a list of mailing lists for it to use, so unless you
> | >    add addresses to this list, the header won't get generated.
> | 
> | true, however if your admin were to add this list to the server (say for
> | internal lists, or common lists) then you would have no way to change
> | this (assuming you do not have root access on the machine).  if it's
> | your own machine and your own installation of qmail then no problem.
> Yeah, and because not every mail _user_ is running it's own qmail
> server, this is a PITA...

This list of mailing lists is *per user*, not system wide.  See the
last answer on http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/appearance.html


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