Hi Jun,

my Pine manual says that it's a bad idea to use Pine or any other
email client for this purpose. It's funny that nevertheless Pine 4
offers this kind of service.

Techies use procmail for this task. First you have to tell your Mail
Transport Agent to let procmail deliver your mail. You do this by
creating a file called ~/.forward containing this line:
"| exec procmail -f- "

To tell the truth, my line actually reads,
"|IFS=' ' && p=/usr/bin/procmail && test -f $p && exec $p -Yf- || exit 75 #cris"
where chris is my login. I don't think this complicated stuff is
really necessary.

Now you can set up procmail to fit your needs. The procmail config
file is called ~/.procmailrc -- but now it's time for you to consult
the fine manual pages (do "man procmail", "man procmailrc" and "man

I just noticed that somebody suggested Maildrop. It may be wise to
look at Maildrop first -- I surmise it is easier to use. Procmail,
on the other hand, is very powerful and the de-facto standard in this
area. Enough of this -- this topic should be discussed elsewhere.
I just converted to Mutt, and I'm glad I don't have to modify anything
in my procmail configuration.

Since this is my first posting on this list, I may perhaps wave to the
developers of Mutt and congratulate them for this fine piece of
software. After I installed it at home on my Linux machine, I went
straight on into my institute and installed in on the Solaris servers
because I could not wait for the admin to install it globally. It
compiled with no hassle at all (SuSE 7.2 and Solaris 2.6 / SunOS 5.6).


On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 11:38:44PM +0100, Jun Liu wrote:
> This probably sounds stupid but I really get stuck here. I don't know
> how to setup filters to organize different mailing list into different
> folder, just like pine does.

}{  Cristian Pietsch 
}{  http://www.interling.de

``Before Xerox, five carbons were the maximum extension of anybody's ego.''

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