On Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 11:04:33PM +0100, Andreas Selig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hello! I hope anyone of you can help me ... > when I recive a mail that ist signed mutt tells me that the signature > wasn't correct . I already read in the mailinglist several threads but > nothing helped: > I tryed : set pgp_good_sign="gpg: Korrekte Unterschrift von" > it is not realy a thing that kills but it is bothering me a bit.
People on the list would be more likely to be able to help you if you told us some more details. Foremost among them, I think, is the exact text of the message you get when signature verification fails. -Daniel -- Daniel E. Eisenbud [EMAIL PROTECTED] "We should go forth on the shortest walk perchance, in the spirit of undying adventure, never to return,--prepared to send back our embalmed hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms." --Henry David Thoreau, "Walking"