Thus spake David T-G, on Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 09:11:11AM -0500: > > ...and then Jose Celestino said... > % Hi, > % > % I'm having a weird problem with mutt vs courier-imap. > % I connect via IMAPv4 and do check the mail, everything fine but when I > % disconnect only some of the messages marked as deleted are indeed > % deleted as in the next IMAP login some of then are still there. > > How do you "disconnect"? It occurs to me that perhaps you are e'x'iting > instead of 'q'uitting, and so the messages marked for deletion don't get > flushed. When you 'c'hange folders or 'q'uit mutt will sync the mailbox > (which you can do manually with '$' by default), but if you e'x'it you > abandon your changes (since the last sync). >
Nope, I do que 'q'uit or the '$' (in the last case I usually end up with duplicate messages, deleted and new !). > > % > % This is definitly a mutt problem as for everyone else (Evolution, > % Messenger, Outlook) it work great. > > They may not be as capable as mutt, and might force a purge at closing. > After all, they're only suck-y MUAs :-) > Most certainly, but as I said above I'm forcing a mailbox sync which should lead to all deleted messages being "dev/nulled", right? > > :-D > -- > David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles > (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie > (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg! > -- Jose Celestino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --------------------------------- "We Americans, we're a simple people... but piss us off, and we'll bomb your cities." -- Robin Williams, _Good Morning Vietnam_