On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 05:17:03AM -0500, David T-G wrote: > Johannes -- > > ...and then Johannes Zellner said... > % Hi, > > Hello! > > > % > % I use mutt (as it comes with cygwin) with a M$ exchange server. > % Unfortunately mutt doesn't seem to recognize dos EOL, as it prints > ... > % I saved the mails and verified that they're dos EOL. > > I'll take you at your word, though I can't help but think that $markers > is showing you long lines. > > > % > % Is there a way to tell mutt to handle dos EOL mails ? > > If that's really the case, you could implement $display_filter to get rid > of ctrl-M characters, I should think.
display_filter seems to be an unknown variable in my version of mutt 1.2.5i (2000-07-28) which comes with cygwin. I guess I should have a newer version of mutt, but I didn't manage to compile it myself. Does anyone have a windows (cygwin) binary of a recent mutt version with imap support ? -- Johannes
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