I'm in the process of converting from Pine to Mutt. I'm running RH Linux 7.2 in a Konsole window set up as black characters on a white background. I'd like very much to be able to just turn off the colors in Mutt so that all screens, menus, etc. in Mutt are black characters on a white background. The older 1.2.5 version of Mutt will let me get fairly close to this goal. Under 1.3.23 all I can seem to get is white characters on a black background, the exact opposite of what I'm looking for. I've played with the color options until I'm blue in the face. Is there some way to get Mutt to turn off it's colors and just give me black on white? Slrn has a switch "-C-" that accomplishes this. Is there some switch or setting I can use that will get Mutt to act this way too?
-- John Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP-encrypted e-mail welcome! http://www.jpunix.com PGP/GPG key 164BDBAE