Bela --

...and then Bela Bartok said...
% >>Hi, your letter, beside joke at me, did no solve my problem, you are the 
% >Hey - I think you didn't read the email exect enough. 
% >
% Look, there are many people, that learn something for a basic, user 
% and ridicule new user that, for sure, in the future, will develop and 
% give support to future new users.
% ok, I know we should respect other's style and i think i must apoligize 
% to mutt-users mailing list.

I work in support and part of what floats my boat is helping other
people.  If you truly found my answer flippant, I apologize.  I tried to
explain what the protocols do and don't do and even suggested methods
that might work for you while allowing you to continue to use mutt.

% >... Whatever you want! It's your choice to use the best/fastest/simplest 
% >mta
% >or whatever YOU want.
% >
% ok, now How windoze programs (eudora, outlook, etc) send email if they 
% dont have a running sendmail daemon?

They talk, as I said in my previous email, directly over a TCP/IP
connection to port 25 on a remote server specified in your setup.
That is referred to in many circles as "bloatware", where one loads many
functions onto one program at the expense of configurability.  mutt does
not try to talk over a TCP/IP connection (or anything else that you may
have in your network) but instead hands it off to a mail transport agent;
you can have any MTA you wish.

% I just dont want to use sendmail, if i am sending a big email, and i 
% disconnect, it will stay in sendmail queue, and i dont want that. I want 

How, if I may possibly ask without offending, would Eudora handle the
same problem of disconnecting while sending?  At some point you're going
to have to make a connection off of your machine and send the bytes over
the wire; what's the difference if it's a TCP/IP connection from within
your mail program or a TCP/IP connection from a real mail transport

% to the simpler, bert solution for desktop freebsd machine for handling 
% emails.

"Best" is clearly an opinion whose definition may differ.  Most mutt
users would say that letting a mail transport agent, even a very simple
one meant purely for sending outgoing messages to another server, do the
work is the best instead of having to incorporate additional networking
code into a tight, small, fast mail user agent.

% thanks again.

Hope this helps, once again.

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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